What is a Cervicogenic headache and how to treat it

A cervicogenic headache is another common headache see in the general public. It is a headache that originates and is caused by the neck, either neck pain, discomfort or joint restriction. The best way to treat this is to address the cervical spine. Spinal manipulation has been proven with positive evidence to have helped relieve neck pain and cervicogenic headaches. Manual therapy and therapeutic exercise have also been shown to help reduce the neck pain and prevent the recurrence of headaches by strengthening the neck. The cervical deep neck flexor muscles would be the muscles to focus on strengthening to improve limit the recurrence of neck pain.

What to do: 1) Receive a spinal manipulation from a licenser Chiropractic Physician, 2) Incorporate some neck strengthening exercises, such as the “chin tuck/nod” exercise.

Bryants R, Descarreaux M, Duranleau M, Marcoux H, Potter B, Ruegg R, Shaw L, Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulation and Educational Accrediting Boards (Federation) Clinical Practice Guidelines Projects, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2011 Jun;34(5):274-289