Personalized Chiropractic care after an auto accident

Don’t let injuries from a car accident stop you from doing what you love to do. At Uintah Spinal Health we personalize your care following the car accident to your needs and your goals. With thorough examinations combined with chiropractic care, massage, Ozone Injections, Platelet-Rich Plasma, and exercise rehabilitation to help your recover and return to life before that accident. We’re located in Vineyard/Orem, UT at the Sleepy Ridge Golf Course.

What is it: Whiplash is most commonly known in are accidents, but is also very common in sporting events, like football, basketball, rugby, motocross, and other contact sports.  The term whiplash comes because your neck acts like a whip when you get hit from any direction. Your head at the end of that whip emphasizes that whipping motion and makes it more violent than you think it is.  This action can lead to a concussion injury to the brain.

How to treat it: This depends on the extent of the injury.  Whiplash can be the source of many different injuries such as sprains and strains, disc injuries and concussions.  So after a proper evaluation the treatment plan will consist of adjustments, soft tissue manipulation, Platelet-Rich Plasma, Ozone Injections, and massage. Concussions need rest. Severe concussions will need a neurological evaluation from a neurological clinic. We know several great practitioners who are great to work with and will support you the entire process.

To find Personalized Chiropractic for a car Accident in Utah, look no farther. Follow this LINK and get a FREE Consolation and 30 minute massage and start your road to recovery now.